M Watts Legal provides support for proponents developing infrastructure projects – from small scale to railways and port development.  M Watts Legal can assist in identifying and managing risk points from project planning to project completion.

M Watts Legal assists by:

  • Providing a range of commercial assistance:
    • Dealings with State and local governments third party land users, local and in relation to key project approvals relating to tenure, native title, Aboriginal heritage, environmental, planning and operational approvals;
    • Legislation advice including Mining Act, Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Act, Land Administration Act, Rights in Water and Irrigation Act, Environmental Protection Act, Native Title Act and Aboriginal heritage legislation (State and Commonwealth);
    • Strategic advice including in relation to tenure requirements and land access processes; and
  • Providing litigation support (Warden’s Court, Supreme Court and Federal Court proceedings).

M Watts Legal’s clients include local and international blue chip mining proponents, junior miners and explorers, petroleum proponents, industry representative groups, pastoralists and specialist project developers.